Bridging the Skills Gap: NOVO™ Shares Knowledge

According to a recent article by Kennametal, there are more than half a million high-paying manufacturing jobs are available in the United States today. Looming on the horizon, nearly three million Baby Boomers are expected to retire from the industry in the next decade. The skills gap will be ever widening unless we work collectively to change misperceptions and rebrand manufacturing as the “new IT” – Industrial Technology.

Time for Knowledge Transfer

To further close the skills gap, we must also devise ways to keep and share the wealth of knowledge that older workers will take with them when they retire. Kennametal has created a way to do this with NOVO™, a digital manufacturing assistant that delivers process knowledge via the cloud. With this comprehensive database of collected manufacturing and tooling knowledge, the time it takes to become productive in machining and tooling applications is significantly shortened.

NOVO™ – From Art to Part to Profit

Many of the functionalities of NOVO are portrayed in Kennametal’s “NOVO Training” video series. The video “NOVO™ – From Art to Part to Profit” is a great starting point, as it provides a great overview of the benefits of this platform. Following are just a few of the highlights:

  • NOVO is a single-source, on-demand performance solution
  • It provides a powerful Tooling Selector, Advisor and Configurator to deliver the best tooling recommendation, assembled correctly, with CAD graphics and application parameters for the CNC machining operation
  • NOVO uses digital intelligence to synchronize workflow “from Art, to Part, to Profit”
  • With NOVO, users can generate tool lists and tooling packages faster
  • All tool lists are stored in the cloud, allowing easy sharing amongst team members – no more isolated solutions or unknown best practices in the process planning department

Get Started With Novo

NOVO transforms workflow, raises efficiency, improves accuracy, and enhances performance. It also provides a solution for knowledge transfer amongst employees, from the seasoned veteran to the new recruit. To get started, download the NOVO app from the Okuma App Store, it’s available free of charge for Okuma users.

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