Check Clearances with this CNC Control Function (Video)
Brad Klippstein 06.28.2017
This is the fourth video in my series featuring Okuma’s OSP control, and here I’ll focus on the Turret Pulse Handle function on the OSP-P300L control. This function enables users to manually jog the turret using the pulse handle to check for possible clearance issues.
Watch the video: Turret Pulse Handle
To access this function, first select the Parameter Screen. In the Parameter list, find the NC User Parameter for the Turret and Door options. The appropriate turret side, A or B, must be selected or checked.
After the parameter has been updated, ensure the machine is in manual operation mode, and unclamp the turret by pressing the Tool Index button on the operation panel. Now the user is able to manually pulse jog the turret using the hand wheel.
To turn off Turret Pulse Handle function simply uncheck the parameter after completing the task and return the turret to the normalized position by pressing the Tool Index button again.
For more information, please contact your local distributor or send us your request.
Brad Klippstein is Controls Product Specialist, Okuma America Corporation.
Other blog posts by Brad:
Negative Machining Angles? Use 3D Manual Feed (Video)
Flat Turning Feature for Machining Polygons (Video)
How to Run Parts Without Even Knowing G-Code (Video)