CNC Control Functions: The Hot List

Paul Russell

Paul Russel at Machine Tool HERO

Are you taking advantage of everything a CNC control can do for you? There are several features and functionalities that should be on your hot list if you want to make your life easier, more productive, and more efficient. Check out this list of handy functions that come standard on our OSP-P300M.

Cycle Time Reduction Function*

Available on most mills, this function is particularly suited for parts with short cut times, canned cycles, or are customizable to each part program. For example, it will reduce the Z-axis retract distance on a horizontal when performing tool changes or pallet rotations to save time.

One-step Advance and Return*

This function gives the operator control over the automatic tool changer (ATC) or automatic pallet changer (APC). Because of the absolute position encoders on all of our motors, the OSP CNC control always knows where the ATC and APC are, so recovering from an E-stop, power outage, or reset is as simple as pressing a button.

Simultaneous Editing  

Can edit two-part programs on one screen. It can also exit the editor, save the program, and select the program for automatic operation with one button.

Quick Edit Function 

When the operator is running a part program, the Quick Edit button opens the edit window while still in Auto mode and puts the cursor on the line that is currently being executed. This gives the operator the ability to change the code, look at upcoming code, and then save the changes that were just made.

tool length offsets

Schedule Programs 

This is a way of chaining programs together and running them as if they were one. Oftentimes, with large part programs such as those used when making die-mold parts or 5-axis parts, the programs are split up by tool number. This makes the smaller programs more manageable because it cuts down on the file sizes (although we can still run up to a 2GB program in our “Large Program Capacity” mode).

Tool number up to 99999999 and 200 Work Offsets 

While many machine tool builders provide only a few TLO registers and work offsets, Okuma offers thousands as standard. Additionally, tool wear compensation also comes as a standard feature.

Helical Cutting 

Standard on the OSP CNC control, this feature is useful for thread milling or using a toolpath that ramps down in the part.

Sync Tapping 

Synchronized tapping allows the use of rigid tap holders (which are less costly than tension-compression types) and provides accurate threads due to the synchronizing of the spindle and the linear axis being driven. The OSP also includes peck tapping as a standard option.

comparison between tension-compression holders and rigid tap holders for CNC machining

User Task 1 and 2 

User Task 1 allows the programmer to use the branch statement (GOTO), access common and local variables, and use math functions. User Task 2 allows for the use of system variables (e.g., read active tool numbers, pallet numbers, date and time, etc.), as well as reading or updating I/O signals from the NC.

Tool Life Management 

This feature lets the operator set limits for how long they want a tool to run before an alarm is triggered. It can be used by either counting the number of times the tool is used or by a cutting time value. It has the added capability of calling up a spare tool and continuing operation without interruption.

USB Interface 

The OSP has two USB 2.0 ports located on the front of the CNC control so the operator can easily download/upload part programs.

Ethernet Interface 

For companies that want to network their machines, the Ethernet interface allows part programs to be sent/received remotely over a local network.

close up of a hand plugging in an ethernet cord

Hi-Cut Pro 

This is a standard function that controls the speed, acceleration, and deceleration of the feed rate based on the desired tolerance to be held. For rough cuts, the parameters can be opened up to use the full acc/dec of the machine. For more critical parts, the parameters will be tightened up and thus provide smoother machine motion and optimum quality parts.

Help Function 

With the press of a button, the machine manuals become available to the operator right on the CNC control. This includes a programming assistant that describes the canned cycles and a G- and M-code listing. If an alarm pops up, the same button will describe the alarm and its possible causes.

Preinstalled Apps and Widgets 

Okuma provides a variety of apps and widgets that come standard on the windows-based control, such as the Schedule Program Editor, Status Mail Notifier, Common Variable Monitor, Cycle Time Monitor, White Board, and Bar Code Reader, among others. Access the Okuma App Store for additional information on each of these features.

Are you using, or planning to use, any of these functions? Contact us to share your thoughts or reach out to your local distributor to schedule an in-person demo to show you how to make the most of your CNC control. 

*These functions are only available from Okuma.

Paul Russell is an Applications Engineer with Okuma America Corporation

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