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9000 Research Dr

Irvine, CA 92618

P 949.753.1050

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Since 1988 CGTech’s product, VERICUT® software, has been the industry standard for simulating CNC machining in order to detect errors, potential collisions, or areas of inefficiency. VERICUT enables users to eliminate the process of manually proving-out NC programs. The program also optimizes NC programs to both save time and produce higher quality surface finish. VERICUT simulates all types of CNC machine tools and runs standalone, but can also be integrated with most leading CAM systems.

VERICUT is excited to be a member of Partners in Technology in order to help end-users improve their manufacturing efficiency. By partnering with Okuma and members of Partners in Technology, VERICUT provides users with accurate machine simulations of Okuma Machine tools to ensure that their tool paths are right the first time, every time.

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