Okuma America Corp Welcomes PDQ Workholding & Tooling to the Partners in THINC Network

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (June 18, 2021) – The management team of Okuma America Corporation, a world-leading builder of CNC machine tools, controls and automation systems, is pleased to announce that PDQ Workholding & Tooling has recently joined the Partners in THINC network.

PDQ designs and manufactures custom cutting tools and hydraulically-actuated machining center fixtures for machine shops all over the world. PDQ’s headquarters is located in Indiana, and from their 60,000 square-foot facility they service customers throughout the world. Collaboration is at the core of their business as they involve clients in each step of the design process. Their team's experience, creativity and access to a large inventory of tool blanks enables them to swiftly craft solutions for their clients' unique needs.

Wade Anderson, manager of Okuma’s Partners in THINC network program shared about the new partnership, “At Okuma, we partner with best-in-class companies to provide holistic machining solutions to our customers. PDQ workholding and tooling systems provide complex solutions for part processing and the service and support our customers expect from Okuma and our partner network.”

Partners in THINC is a collaborative network of 40+ companies that service the metal-cutting and manufacturing industries. The partners come together to solve problems and explore new productivity ideas for real-world manufacturers.

“PDQ is proud to be included with the other industry leaders in the Partners in THINC network. We look forward to collaborating and continuing to produce the best results for our customers,” said Jerry Busche, president of PDQ.

For more information on the Partners in THINC network, visit: https://www.okuma.com/partners-in-thinc.

About PDQ Workholding & Tooling

PDQ is a modern tool shop specializing in hydraulically-actuated machining center fixtures and custom cutting tools. The PDQ strategy is to employ the brightest personnel using the newest technologies to provide the lowest Price and Quickest delivery, while maintaining the highest level of Quality. In 2010, PDQ Workholding was founded in Columbia City Indiana by six veterans of the workholding industry. PDQ Tooling was started as a sister company to PDQ Workholding in 2014; this division of PDQ focused on custom cutting tools. Starting in 2019, the Tooling and Workholding divisions combined in order to better support our customers and provide synergistic solutions.

https://www.pdqwh.com | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube

About Okuma America Corporation

Okuma America Corporation is the U.S.-based sales and service affiliate of Okuma Corporation, a world leader in CNC (computer numeric control) machine tools, controls and automation systems. The company was founded in 1898 in Nagoya, Japan, and is the industry’s only single-source provider of CNC machines, controls, drives, motors, encoders, spindles and automation systems, all manufactured by Okuma. The company designs its own CNC controls to integrate seamlessly with each machine tool’s functionality. In 2014 Okuma launched the Okuma App Store, the industry’s only centralized online marketplace for machine tool apps and related content. Along with its extensive distribution network (largest in the Americas), and Partners in THINC network of enhanced manufacturing technologies, Okuma is committed to helping users gain competitive advantages through the open possibilities of machine tools today and into the future.

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