How to Create a Tool Data Page for GAW Grinders (P300G Control)
Robbie Williams 12.13.2017

Last September Okuma America debuted the much anticipated OSP-P300G control for our grinder product line. Having this updated control greatly enhances your grinder’s functionality, but some folks need to get caught up on some procedures.
Given that my first blog post, Handy Checklist for Preventive Maintenance, has been so popular, I thought I’d use a similar approach here. Over my next several blog posts, I’ll publish procedures for how to set up our OD grinders with P300G controls.
Here is the procedure for setting up the Tool Data Page for our GAW series grinders equipped with the P300G control.
How to Create a Tool Data Page
- Go to the tool data page.
- Select the wheel data number you want to use.
- Select the shape you want your graphic to look like (normally we use shape 1).
- Set the Outside Diameter OD of your wheel.
- Set the Length of Side face (TLS).
- Set the Length Periphery (TLP). (This will be the width of the wheel.)
- Once you have changed the wheel data page to correspond with your wheel, you will need to go to MDI and type in T0202 D3 to activate the settings you just entered into the data page. Failing to do this will result in the machine running off the old data page information. This could possibly result in the wheel crashing into the diamond.

**Please Note**
Anytime you change the information on the tool data screen, you will need to go to MDI and call up the T code for that wheel data. Example: if you change the data in wheel data on page 1, then you would need to go to MDI and type in T0102 D3 to make the changes for wheel data page 1 active.
I hope this helps with any questions you may have about setting up a Tool Data Page. If you need further assistance, please check with your distributor or contact us.
Robbie Williams is Applications Engineer, Okuma America Corporation.
More blog posts by Robbie:
6 Causes of Grinding Chatter – And How to Fix Them
7-Step Spindle Changeover for ID Grinders
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