The Power of 40

With all the technology on display at IMTS 2012, discovering the latest in CNC machining solutions should be easy, right? But finding the right solution for YOU can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. What you really need is a team of experts, with extensive real world experience, putting dedicated focus on your particular manufacturing scenario. Don’t have a deep bench of experts handy? Not a problem. Check out Partners in THINC while you’re at the show.

40+ working for you

Partners in THINC combines specialized equipment, expertise and a commitment to providing the best integrated CNC machining solutions to the end-user. We’ll be over 40 companies strong at IMTS 2012. Here are just a few things we’ll be showcasing.

Intelligent gages for smarter processes

The advent of electronic gages several decades ago created the foundation for some incredible abilities. Electronic devices (we’ll call them intelligent devices) can be easily connected to SPC software from many of our Partner companies. This will be demonstrated in Okuma’s booth by Marposs, Edmunds Gages, Renishaw and Caron Engineering. Additionally, an Okuma VMC (Vertical CNC Machining Center) will be in Hexagon Metrology’s booth demonstrating many of these advanced features.

A few benefits of intelligent gages:

  • Real time data collection
  • Reduced operator input
  • Accurate measurement and recording
  • Automatic creation of quality charts and graphs
  • Trending of impending adjustments needed
  • Virtually eliminates math errors
  • Easy cost justification
  • Reduce setup/change-over time

“Go Beyond” automation for the ultimate ROI

Most of us think of robots when we hear the term automation. While robots are a component, additional technologies can be employed to increase productivity. Consider Tool Management, Chip Control, Work Holding, Ease of Change-over, Quality Control with Auto-Comp, and Adaptive Software when implementing automation. Start with the foundation of a capable and repeatable CNC machining process, then integrate robotics, material feeders, and flexible manufacturing systems, and you’ll meet, and probably exceed, your ROI expectation.

Several Cells utilizing robots, bar-feeders and a FMS system will be demonstrated in the Okuma, Kuka Robotics and ABB Robotics booths at IMTS.

The impact of tool management

Tool management often doesn’t get the attention required to maximize CNC machining potential. But cutting tools are the components doing all the work!

Tool management includes maximizing the life of the cutting tool while producing good parts. It also includes measuring the wear on the tool after each pass. This virtually eliminates production of non-compliant parts. Automatically adjusting the machine’s tool offsets greatly reduces errors made by manual entry.

Adaptive software like Caron Engineering’s TMAC enables the machine to sense the load required to make a specific cut and determine if it’s within the normal range. The load will be adjusted, up or down, within a specified range to maximize cutting efficiency.

Linking the machine with a tool presetter and inventory control systems (such as Zoller, Kennametal ToolBoss, Iscar Matrix) ensures that the right tools are available as needed to perform a job.

Simplified programming

Programming is much easier using CAM systems offered by companies like Esprit and MasterCam. While programming offline is the desired method, Okuma Advance One Touch (AOT) software allows for step-by-step programming at the machine.

There are many more technologies and applied solutions to be seen in Okuma’s booth (S-8500) at IMTS. Bring us your challenges, or comment below, and allow Partners in THINC to put the power of 40 to work for you.

Jeff Estes is Director of Partners in THINC, Okuma America Corporation

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