
Okuma partner mayfran 730x730

6650 Beta Drive
Cleveland, OH 44143

P 440.461.4100

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Mayfran provides solutions for chip and coolant management in metal-cutting applications to help improve machine tool uptime, improve product quality through coolant filtration, and reduce overall operating costs. Their products convey, filter, separate, shred, briquette, and process materials and fluids for the automotive, aerospace, consumer products, oil and gas, steel processing, medical products, heavy equipment, and related industries.

Mayfran's ConSep® and MagSep® separator-conveyors, as well as hinged steel belt and drag conveyors and related accessories such as our AT-Cleaner coolant cleaning system, optimize the performance of your machine tool and improve the return on your investment. Central chip handling and processing and coolant filtration solutions help recover valuable coolant and reduce handling costs, all while increasing the value of your chips and improving overall facility cleanliness.

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