IMTS Show Setup: Behind-the-Scenes Photos

Rod Tojdowski

Hello friends! I’m reporting to you live from McCormick Place in Chicago, where we have a swarm of Okuma staff busy with show setup for IMTS 2014. It would be nice if somehow all these machines just magically appeared fully installed and assembled at Okuma’s Booth S-8500 in the South Hall. Well it doesn’t quite happen like that. This year Okuma will display 18 CNC machines total, with 17 cutting metal parts that cover all the major industries. One machine on display is without all the covers (aka “skeleton”), so our customers can see the quality, the construction and what’s under the hood. On the GENOS M560-V we’ll be taking photos of booth visitors and machining a high quality image of them in under 15 minutes. There’ll be plenty to see and experience, but first we thought you’d enjoy a behind-the-scenes peek at the preparations that are underway.


We’re baaaack! 29 truckloads of CNC machines.


The GENOS M560-V being unloaded from truck number 29.


Two large CNC machines on display this year, the MA-12500H


and the VTM-2000YB – here we’re installing the chuck.


Have you ever seen Allen wrenches this big?


VTM-2000YB – installing the column.


Global Team Work

Crate photoshopped

Ahhhh, a crate-side table for lunch.


No AC + High Humidity = FAN. “Maxx” to the rescue!


Over 5,000 Square feet of booth space, including the Okuma App Store, private conference rooms, and demos everywhere.


MA-12500H setup – “What’s next, Tim?”


Love that Connie’s pizza.


It’s a good feeling when you see the crane leave the booth – that’s an indication all the big/large components are in place.

If you want to get a preview of all the machines and activities we’ll be showing in our booth, check out our IMTS booth summary. In addition you’ll see Okuma CNC machines in the Hainbuch, Iscar and KUKA Robotics booths.

At the time of this writing, we’re finishing up our pre-installation with only a few days left until the show starts. Stop by Booth S-8500 to see how we complete the transformation. I promise – we'll be ready. We welcome your comments on the photos, and we look forward to seeing you next week in Chicago.

Rod Tojdowski is Senior Manager, Applications Engineering, Okuma America Corporation.

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