2 SP 150 H shadow hires
Thermo friendly

Precision Requires Predictability

Our Thermo-Friendly Concept and technologies remove the effects of temperature change.

Product Detail

The innovative front-facing spindle of the 2SP-150H helps create an automation-friendly lathe for small parts production. By moving the spindle off the side and incorporating the Okuma Gantry Loader (OGL) into the production line, parts can be loaded and unloaded automatically. An extremely compact footprint improves floor space utilization, while the popular dual spindle option significantly reduces cycle time.

Learn more about Lathes.

Highlighted Specs

Max Turning DiameterinØ5.91 <8.66>
Max Turning Lengthin3.15 <5.91>
Spindle Nose Type 140 flat
Speed Rangemin⁻¹50 ~ 4,500
Standard Powerhp15/10
Rapid Traverse X:Zipm945
Max Turning DiametermmØ150 <Ø220>
Max Turning Lengthmm80 <150>
Spindle Nose Type 140 flat
Speed Rangemin⁻¹50 ~ 4,500
Standard PowerkW11/7.5
Rapid Traverse X:Zm/min24

< > Machine capacity without loader application

< > Machine capacity without loader application

Productivity 1 min

Perfect Automation Pairings

This machine tool is compatible with the following automation solutions for increased production, accuracy, and efficiency across your operations. 


What can we do to help?

Your local Okuma distributor will be happy to give you a call or visit your facility to discuss your machine tool needs.